Zenonia Wiki
Ecne is one of the main protagonists in Zenonia 2.

Ranged character.

  • Main Hand: Dual-wield handguns
  • Sub Weapon: Various Two handed Firearms ranging from Rifles, Shotguns and Cannons.

"Her older brother, Jade, is her only known family member mentioned in the game."

Ecne is the second oldest among the 4 heroes of the said sequel, as it was stated when she was thrown together with the 3 into the dungeon prison, telling them to call her 'sis.' She is the first female playable character in the series and also the playable female characters alongside with Vishu and Alicia from Zenonia S (now defunct).

Physical Appearance[]

Ecne is a young woman with light skin, long curly blonde hair with a cowlick, and blue eyes.

In Zenonia 2: The Lost Memories, she wears sky-blue trench coat that is unbuttoned, black midriff and shorts, sliver boots and a golden necklace. She has a sliver bangle on her arm, bearing her faction's crest - supposed the treasure hunters'. Ecne wears fingerless gloves with white trimmings. Her shoes are plated and strapped like sandals reaching below her knees and blue socks. She also sports a bandage on her right cheek, and she could be around her late teens to her early 20's.

Her beta design looks similar to a female version of Chael by looking at the arm pose and has a short sleeved blue vest with a revealing bra and pauldron on her left shoulder. She has a bit of gravity-defying cowlick and her eyes were brown instead of blue. She also has a belt strap across her chest which may be holding her rifle.

In Zenonia 4: Return of the Legend, she is much older. She could be in her late thirties or early forties. She still sports a sky-blue trench coat, her black midriff's been replaced with waist-length blouse with white trimming on the middle. Her silver bangle is blank and she still sports the same white-trimmed, fingerless gloves. She appears to wield a custom-made machine gun similar the the game's Ranger Class.

in Zenonia S: Rift in Time, she has red eyes and straight hair in her official artwork. However in her in-game sprite, she has blue eyes and curly hair. She wears a black bodysuit and unbuttoned trench coat, exposing her cleavage with an intersecting leather strap terminated with a dangling silver cross pendant. Ecne has both her signature silver bangles on both arms while bearing her faction's crest. She sports knee-high strapped boots, beige belt with a dark-red buckle bearing a Z-shaped initial. Strapped with bullet holster on her left hip.

In Zenonia Chronobreak, her design has been changed with being slightly older and her hair tied up into a ponytail and no cowlick. She wears a white military-

styled outfit with white leggings with one side and white shoes.


In Zenonia 2, Ecne was a treasure hunter, that just like everyone else, lost her memories after the Tree of Life's leaves fell down. In the past, she was told by her older brother that he would go on an adventure, and she promised she would look for him.

In the present, she was informed by one of her friends about a treasure in a shop's basement, and decided to go there and steal it. But when she got there, the royal guards found her and brought her into custody, and threw her in the dungeon, where she met Morpice, Lu, and Daza. Together, they were able to escape, but were recaptured. When Zavkeil saw potential in them, he decided to let the four go and gave them a quest to search for the gems.

Recommended Stat Distribution(s)

Dex (Majoritily, 60% of her stats are allocated here)

Int ( for her SP usage, 15% of the stat points are allocated)

Con (only 25% of the stat points are allocated, since Ecne's a bit fragile)


See Ecne (Abilities)

Pros & Cons about using her:[]


Most of her skills are tactical-based, which means she relies on releasing multiple attacks or lane attacks. Has a fast walking speed second to Daza's. A good escape artist as she can camouflage, if necessary, to escape without the enemies detecting her. A fast attacker, judging by her main hand weapons.


As her class suggests, she's mainly of DEX-type, leaving her a bit fragile and because of her fast walking speed, she can easily 'bump' into enemy attacks if not careful. A fast attacker but her only drawback is when she fires her sub weapon which she'll reload and it takes about 1.15 seconds to fire, which gives enemies an upper hand to attack her when close.


A "glass-cannon" build-type character specializing in long-range combat. She's an intermediate class which is favored by advanced players who prefer run-and-gun or hit-and-run gameplay to deal fatal shots to single or multiple enemy targets.

Zenonia 4: Return of the Legend[]


In Zenonia 4, Ecne returns as general of the Royal Guard. She pretty much stays the same, being the typical tomboy. When she returns with Lu and Frey, she goes for a walk after the celebration. Ecne then meets Regret, but she doesn't recognize him firsthand and only knows that the new recruit's alias is Adas. She is then bothered by Elisa, Haz, and Ruira, who are asking permission to find Morpice. Although aggravated by the fact they'd risk their lives, she allows them to find him, but warns them if anyone is hurt her "fist will be waiting for their face".

At the meeting at Aria Castle, she explains the status of the war, stating that victory is within reach. When Regret asks her and Lu about the Holy gem, first they were both shocked, but later she along with Lu stated they trust him, and tell him to go to the hidden dungeon. Infuriated that the two trust him, Chael (who doesn't know that the man is Regret), asks why they trust him. Ecne knows that Chael can see Anya, the fairy following Regret, and that Fairies are magical beings sent by the Great Creator when the world is in crisis. Anyone who is allied with a fairy is the hero that saves the world, and that for now the three must trust Regret/Adas for now.

During the rest of the game, Ecne stays with Lu to protect Aria and Deva Castle from the Dark Army. During Regret's battle with Shataru before the final strike, Ecne and the rest of the main characters, appear as an illusion behind Regret, before he finishes off Shataru.

In the ending, Ecne, along with the commanders and generals, survive the war, and celebrates with everyone.

Zenonia S (Defunct)[]

Ecne is set to return in the sixth installment. She wields two pistols. High Dexterity and evasion but has low defense and health just like her Zenonia 2 counterpart.

Zenonia Chronobreak[]

Ecne returns as an NPC alongside with Lu. When the player was struggling with the grim reaper monster, Ecne and Lu kills all the undead minions and defeat the grim reaper monster and the player thanks them for saving their life.

Avatar costume sets[]

