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Zenonia Wiki

The Berserker is the more offense-oriented of the two Melee characters in Zenonia 5, wielding a large two-handed sword. His combat stat is STR, and the "standard" allocation of stat points per level is 2 STR 1 CON.

Offensively, he gets the second lowest ATT boost from his equipment at equivalent levels/quality of the classes, and his attack combo is a series of wide yet slow sweeping attacks; his standard attack combo is the slowest of the four characters. He does have a fairly effective set of skills for applying damage (especially his later-game ones), two separate damage buff skills, and a secondary direct ATT boost Passive skill that further enhances the effectiveness of his STR stat boosting his attack. However, his primary attack stat STR has no effect on CRI or HIT; he will not crit very often and late-game Berserkers can start running into an accuracy issue. Still, while the Berserker will not crit as often as most other classes a late-game one can get the highest baseline ATT score at equal levels and equipment once all of his passives are maxed out. While the additional passive on the primary combat stat of the Paladin increases defence, the Mechanic increases evasion and the Wizard increases CRI rate, the Berserker will eventually more than double the effect of the ATT boost from his STR stat (separate from the universal general ATT boost passive).

Defensively the Berserker is quite solid; he has the second highest DEF boost from his equipment at equal level/quality (second only to the Paladin), he has one self-healing HP regeneration skill, his STR stat also boosts DEF and he has a raw DEF buff skill, which all together give him quite decent damage mitigation.
